
🏡 Breathing Life into Novogradnja

With our client already operating a real estate website, our primary challenge lay in enhancing user experience and functionality to rival industry giants like Zillow. Our focus during this phase was on understanding the client's requirements, deadlines, and target audience through thorough discovery meetings.


Novogradnja.hr is a real estate web application designed to assist users in making informed decisions, akin to platforms like Zillow. Our collaboration with the client, who already had a real estate website, posed the challenge of enhancing user experience and functionality to meet industry standards.

The Challenge

Our primary challenge revolved around upgrading the existing real estate website to develop a more user-friendly web application similar to Zillow. We aimed to create an intuitive platform that provided seamless navigation and enhanced features for users.

Our Approach

During the discovery phase, we engaged in extensive discussions with the client to understand their expectations, target audience, and project scope. Subsequently, we transitioned to the design phase, where we created wireframes and high-fidelity mockups using Figma to visualize the structure and design of the web application.

Development and Deployment

Both high and low-fidelity designs were created using the Figma interface design tool. The Next.js framework facilitated efficient development of the frontend web app, while Strapi CMS provided easy data modeling and content management for the admin section. Continuous monitoring through Sentry and deployment on the Heroku cloud platform ensured smooth functionality and accessibility.


Novogradnja.hr stands as a testament to our commitment to delivering enhanced real estate decision-making experiences. By leveraging advanced technologies and focusing on user-centric design principles, we have successfully transformed an existing real estate website into a dynamic web application that empowers users to make informed real estate choices.

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